How the cosmos is structured and managed. A purposeful personal universe, evolving in time and space toward an unrevealed destiny is described. This creation includes millions of inhabited worlds in various stages of biological, intellectual, social and spiritual evolution. The nature of God and his relationship to the evolving creation is explored in great detail.
You can download The Urantia Book - Part I: The Central and Superuniverses as a single Zip file (431.4 MB). After saving the Zip file to your computer, extract the MP3 audio files. You can play the MP3 audio files on your computer or copy them to a portable MP3 player, such as an iPod.
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You can hear The Urantia Book online and see the text at the same time. Click on a paper below to open a playlist that points to the audio files and corresponding web pages of the text. If you have Windows Media Player 9 or higher, you can hear and see the Urantia Book online. The player lets you speed up or slow down the playback by selecting View > Enhancements > Play speed settings.
Freely you have received, freely give.
This audio version of The Urantia Book is provided free of charge under a Creative Commons license. You are free to copy and distribute these files. I hope that The Urantia Book will inspire you on your eternal adventure of the exploration of a universe.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 3, 2012 Subject:
Thy will be done it will be distributed thanks for reminding me of what is.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 31, 2006 Subject:
The Book of Urantia
I think that this is probably the most important book that I've ever read. To accept this book, you must accept the premise that Extraterrestrials do in
fact exist and have been HERE for a very long time. That makes this book more important than the bible or any book written by man ( for this book was written by Extraterrestrials themselves.) This book answers many of the questions about evolution and religions that have not been answered, or even asked before. Life on Earth is much more incredible than certain circumstances of time and probability can account for. We are the product of the science and art of a very ancient race, or races, of Extraterrestrials beings who have established Earth as an experimental habitat closed to any other Universal influence, except maybe for those who created us. This book was obviously written by some very intelligent people. This book is very difficult to read and is much easier to understand in its audio format. I would suggest that the listener use software that slows the recording down a little to make it easier to consume and to digest. Oh, an interesting point I should make is that the narrater of this book is a computer! This book describes Universal civilizations and Gods place in it. It also describes the creation of Earth and of humanity. A very interesting section of this book describes the life of Jesus, which is so reasonable and logical that its veracity is difficult to not accept. This book is so entirely logical that I must place it beyond just faith and accept it as truth. This is not a book for everyone, but it should be. Ron Poteet
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 25, 2006 Subject:
Glad to hear the fifth epochal revelation on the funny computer voice...some words dont come out right, the computer genererated voice being pretty dated,
but the sense is there most of the time. Loved it!